Website Disclaimer.


All content on this website is for informational and should be used for educational purposes only. Information found on this website is NOT intended to be a substitute for psychological, psychiatric, and/or medical advice. Information shared should not be used to diagnose and/ or treat any condition.

Utilizing any information provided by Kathryn Smith LPC NCC and/or associated business entities (“Kathryn Smith Counseling LLC”) by any person or professional appearing on this website is solely at your own risk. If needed, please consult with your treatment team, medical provider, and/or mental health provider for clarification, questions, and/or concerns related to content posted.  

Please consult/ seek the advice of your medical provider or other qualified mental health provider (licensed professional counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist) with any questions/ concerns you may have regarding any physical and/or mental health condition.  

Opinions and other statements expressed by any third parties are theirs alone, not opinions of Kathryn Smith LPC NCC and/or associated business entities (“Kathryn Smith Counseling LLC”). 

 If you think you may be having a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.